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The main function of an acoustic logger is to actively survey for

pipeline leaks in the distribution system. Acoustic loggers relay

data via a communications channel to an analytic software solution.

This software then processes the acoustic data and alerts the

network operator when a noise indicative of a leak is detected. In

a fixed network leak monitoring installation, acoustic loggers remain

permanently deployed and record three types of data throughout every night: noise level (displayed as a histogram to identify the minimum constant noise level in dB), noise spectrum (i.e. the frequency distribution of the noise energy) and raw sound samples (used to perform correlations between neighbouring logger pairs). All this data is compressed and automatically sent via radio to a central processing unit. 




Acoustic loggers offer several benefits for water utilities including the ability to:


  • Reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

  • Improve water conservation

  • Prioritise capital spending

  • Better understand their water infrastructure

  • Pinpoint leaks on pipes of all sizes and materials




In general, there are no specific requirements to install acoustic loggers. However, the following conditions should be met:


  • The system should be compliant with the national radio regulation

  • The user should have at least one computer with an internet connection

  • There should be some sort of street furniture available (ideally street lamp posts) in order to attach the radio repeaters to them

  • There should be either a GPRS signal, an existing Ethernet connection, or Wifi router




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