The main function of a rain gauge is to measure rainfall amount
and intensity. Rain gauges relay data via a communications
channel to an analytic software solution. This software then
processes the rainfall data and alerts the network operator.
Warnings or alerts allow system operators to see at a glance
which areas need attention and what options might be taken.
Rain gauges offer several benefits for wastewater utilities, including:
Real-time model and telemetry data;
Reduced flood damages;
Reduced risk to public, staff & contractors;
Reduced numbers of CSO spills;
Scheduled pump and gate operation;
Maximised use of system storage.
In general, there are no specific requirements to install rain gauges. The utility should utilise existing infrastructure as much as possible including weather stations and pump/lift stations. Remote monitoring stations may require solar power collectors and radio or cellular communications capability.
The system should be able to output a signal compliant with the utility’s SCADA, typically analog 4 to 20 mA or MODBUS.
There should be either a GPRS signal, an existing Ethernet connection, or Wifi router.